
Reasons to have a Bariatric Surgery in Colombia in 2024

In recent years, Colombia has emerged as a leading destination for individuals seeking effective and affordable bariatric surgery. With its state-of-the-art medical facilities, renowned bariatric surgeons, and comprehensive healthcare services, Colombia offers a compelling option for those considering weight loss surgery. Bogotá, the country’s vibrant city, has become a hub for top bariatric surgeons like Dr. Felipe Bernal, who specializes in laparoscopic procedures such as gastric balloongastric sleeve, and gastric bypass.

What sets bariatric surgery in Colombia apart is not only the skill and expertise of its surgeons but also the use of advanced robotic technology (DaVinci) and remote monitoring (Sensorica), which enhance the surgical experience and promote better patient outcomes. Additionally, Colombia is known for its affordability, making it an attractive choice for individuals seeking high-quality yet cost-effective bariatric surgery.

Keys to consider Colombia for bariatric surgery

Colombia presents international patients with a diverse array of options for medical tourism. Beyond its state-of-the-art medical technology and high-quality medical services, the country boasts a variety of destinations that solidify its status as a regional leader in this field. In this blog, we will explore several key points that illustrate why Colombia is a top choice for medical tourists. Colombia is a popular destination for bariatric surgery due to its state-of-the-art medical facilities and highly skilled surgeons.

Understanding Bariatric Surgery

Bariatric surgery is a surgical procedure designed to help individuals struggling with obesity achieve significant weight loss when traditional methods like diet and exercise have proven ineffective.

Two commonly performed bariatric surgeries are the gastric sleeve and gastric bypass, both offering effective solutions for weight loss.

Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Cirugía Bariátrica Manga Gástrica

 This procedure involves the removal of a large portion of the stomach, creating a smaller, banana-shaped stomach pouch. The smaller stomach limits food intake, resulting in reduced calorie consumption and weight loss.

Gastric Bypass Surgery ​

In this procedure, a small stomach pouch is created by dividing the stomach and connecting it directly to the small intestine. This restricts both food intake and nutrient absorption, leading to significant weight loss.

Two commonly performed bariatric surgeries are the gastric sleeve and gastric bypass, both offering effective solutions for weight loss.

Cirugía Bariátrica Byppas Gástrico

Minimally Invasive Technique

Both gastric sleeve and gastric bypass surgeries are typically performed using a minimally invasive technique called laparoscopy.

Laparoscopy allows the surgeon to make small incisions, through which a camera and surgical instruments are inserted. This approach results in smaller scars, less pain, a reduced risk of infection, and faster recovery times compared to traditional open surgery.

Dr. Felipe Bernal specializes in performing these bariatric surgeries using laparoscopy, ensuring a safe and effective weight loss journey for his patients.

bariatric surgery in Colombia

Comparation table Bariatric Surgeries

Feature Gastric Sleeve Surgery Gastric Bypass Surgery
Procedure Description Involves removing about 80% of the stomach to create a smaller, banana-shaped pouch. Creates a small stomach pouch by dividing the stomach and rerouting the small intestine to this pouch.
Primary Mechanism Limits the amount of food that can be consumed and reduces hunger by removing the part of the stomach that produces hunger-stimulating hormones. Restricts food intake and reduces nutrient absorption by bypassing a portion of the small intestine.
Invasiveness Considered minimally invasive with laparoscopic technique. Also performed laparoscopically, but considered slightly more complex due to intestinal rerouting.
Recovery Time Generally, patients experience a faster recovery due to the less complex nature of the surgery. Recovery might take slightly longer due to the complexity of rerouting the digestive tract.
Effectiveness Effective for significant weight loss. Patients typically lose 60-70% of excess weight. Often results in slightly higher weight loss compared to gastric sleeve, with patients losing up to 70-80% of excess weight.
Nutritional Considerations Less risk of nutritional deficiencies compared to gastric bypass, but patients still need to adhere to dietary guidelines. Higher risk of nutritional deficiencies due to malabsorption. Patients require lifelong vitamin and mineral supplementation.
Suitability Suitable for patients with a BMI of 30 or above, especially those concerned about surgical complexity and nutritional deficiencies. Often recommended for patients with a BMI over 40, or those with obesity-related health conditions like type 2 diabetes, due to its additional metabolic benefits.

Advantages of Gastric Sleeve Surgery in Colombia

Choosing gastric sleeve surgery in Colombia offers numerous advantagesSkilled professionals like Dr.  Felipe Bernal perform the procedure using advanced, minimally invasive laparoscopic techniques, resulting in fewer complications, less postoperative pain, and a quicker recovery.

Comprehensive pre- and post-operative care ensures ongoing support throughout the weight loss journey. From initial consultations to follow-up appointments, patients receive personalized attention and guidance to achieve success.

One of the key advantages of opting for Gastric Sleeve Surgery in Colombia is its cost-effectiveness. Despite the affordable rates, the quality of care and treatment remains uncompromised. This combination of skilled professionalsadvanced techniques, and comprehensive care makes Colombia a preferred destination for international patients seeking gastric sleeve surgery.

With its state-of-the-art medical facilities and commitment to patient well-being, Colombia provides an optimal environment for successful weight-loss procedures. Whether it’s the expertise of the surgeons or the use of advanced surgical techniques, patients can trust that they are in capable hands.

"The advanced techniques used in gastric sleeve surgery help minimize complications and ensure a smooth recovery process. Our goal is to provide the highest standard of care and support our patients in achieving their weight loss goals."

By choosing gastric sleeve surgery in Colombia, individuals can benefit from the combined advantages of skilled professionalsadvanced techniquescomprehensive care, and cost-effectiveness, making it an excellent choice for those seeking a transformative weight loss journey.

Five Advantages of Gastric Bypass Surgery in Colombia

Gastric Bypass Surgery in Colombia is a type of Bariatric Surgery aimed at weight loss. This procedure involves creating a small stomach pouch and directly connecting it to the small intestine. The primary mechanism through which it aids weight loss is by limiting food intake and reducing the absorption of calories and nutrients. This is achieved because the smaller stomach pouch can hold less food at a time and bypassing a portion of the small intestine decreases calorie and nutrient absorption.

People with severe obesity—typically defined as a body mass index (BMI) of 30 or higher—are frequently candidates for this surgery, especially if they have failed to lose weight using other methods. On average, patients who undergo gastric bypass can expect to lose about 70% of their excess body weight within the first 1-2 years. Most of these patients successfully maintain at least 50% of their excess weight loss in the long term.

1. Accomplished Surgeons

Under the care of highly skilled surgeons like Dr. Felipe Bernal, gastric bypass surgeries in Colombia are performed with precision and expertise. These accomplished surgeons have a wealth of experience in performing successful procedures, ensuring optimal results for patients.

2. Laparoscopic Techniques

Laparoscopic techniques, also known as minimally invasive procedures, are employed during gastric bypass surgery in Colombia. This approach involves making small incisions and using specialized instruments to perform the surgery, resulting in less scarring, reduced risk of infection, and faster recovery times.

3. Comprehensive Care

Colombia’s healthcare system places a strong emphasis on patient care and support throughout the weight-loss journey. Patients undergoing gastric bypass surgery in Colombia can expect comprehensive pre- and post-operative care plans, personalized treatment strategies, and ongoing guidance to facilitate long-term success.

4. Affordability

Despite the high quality of healthcare services provided, gastric bypass surgery in Colombia remains affordable, particularly when compared to other countries. Patients can benefit from the expertise of renowned surgeons like Dr. Felipe Bernal without compromising their financial well-being.

"Gastric bypass surgery in Colombia offers patients the opportunity to achieve significant weight loss while receiving comprehensive care from experienced surgeons. With the utilization of laparoscopic techniques and the affordability of the procedure, it is no wonder that international patients are drawn to Colombia for this life-changing surgery."

5. Technology

InBody Technology

Dr. Felipe Bernal uses InBody technology to measure patients’ body composition index. InBody provides detailed information on body composition, such as fat mass, muscle mass, body water, etc; This allows Dr. Bernal to set personalized weight loss goals and track the patient’s progress precisely.

Dr. Felipe Bernal leverages Sensorica remote monitoring technology to track bariatric surgery patients even after they return home from Colombia. Sensorica enables monitoring of over 17 vital signs of patients’ bodies via the internet, giving international patients the security of medical supervision remotely after undergoing surgery in Colombia with Dr. Felipe Bernal.

Bariatric surgery

Understanding the Differences Between Gastric Sleeve and Gastric Bypass

Gastric sleeve and gastric bypass are two popular surgical procedures for weight loss. While they both help individuals achieve significant weight loss, they differ in terms of the surgical technique and the way they affect the digestive system.

Gastric Bypass

Gastric bypass surgery, also known as Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, is specifically designed for patients with a body mass index (BMI) over 40 who suffer from obesity-related health conditions. This advanced surgical procedure creates a smaller stomach pouch and reroutes a section of the small intestine to bypass a portion of the stomach and upper intestine. As a result, patients experience a significant reduction in stomach capacity and nutrient absorption, along with alterations in gut hormones that aid in weight loss. By combining both restrictive and malabsorptive techniques, gastric bypass effectively facilitates substantial weight loss, making it a vital option for those severely affected by obesity and its associated health issues.

Gastric Sleeve

Gastric sleeve surgeries in Colombia offer hope for sustainable weight loss for those struggling with obesity. Patients with BMIs between 30 and 40 who are still in relatively good health and have been unsuccessful in losing weight through diet and exercise may be candidates for the gastric sleeve procedure. Also known as sleeve gastrectomy, this surgery involves removing approximately 80% of the stomach to create a narrow, banana-shaped stomach pouch. By significantly limiting food intake, calorie consumption decreases, leading to weight loss over time. The digestive system itself remains intact, allowing for the natural absorption of nutrients, albeit in smaller quantities.

The Best Bariatric Choice in Colombia

The choice between gastric sleeve and gastric bypass surgery depends on several factors, including the patient’s medical history, weight loss goals, and lifestyle. It is important to consult with a qualified bariatric surgeon to determine the most suitable procedure for individual needs.

When considering weight loss surgery, understanding the differences between gastric sleeve and gastric bypass is crucial in choosing the right procedure. The decision should be based on an individual’s specific medical conditions, weight loss goals, and lifestyle preferences. Consulting with a skilled bariatric surgeon, such as Dr. Felipe Bernal, can provide proper guidance and personalized recommendations. Both procedures have proven to be effective in helping patients achieve long-term weight loss and improve their overall health.

Why Choose Colombia for Bariatric Surgery?

Mejor cirugía Bariátrica

When it comes to bariatric surgery, Colombia offers a compelling combination of high-quality healthcare servicesskilled surgeons, and cost-effectiveness. This South American country has emerged as a premier destination for individuals seeking weight loss surgeries, thanks to its exceptional medical facilities and renowned professionals like Dr. Felipe Bernal.

Colombia’s healthcare system is known for its commitment to excellence, providing patients with access to state-of-the-art facilities and advanced surgical techniques. The country’s focus on continuous medical education ensures that its surgeons remain at the forefront of their field, delivering exceptional outcomes. When you choose Colombia, you can have confidence in receiving top-tier care.

Besides its high standards of medical excellence, Colombia also offers cost-effectiveness. Bariatric surgery in Colombia is significantly more affordable compared to many other countries, without compromising on quality. This combination of cost-effectiveness and top-notch healthcare services makes Colombia an attractive option for international patients seeking transformative weight loss procedures.

Advantages of Choosing Colombia for Bariatric Surgery

"Colombia's commitment to high-quality healthcare services and its cost-effectiveness make it an ideal choice for bariatric surgery. Patients can expect exceptional care, advanced surgical techniques, and affordable rates."

Furthermore, Colombia’s reputation as a hub for weight loss surgeries, particularly in cities like Medellin, has grown significantly. The city offers a conducive environment for patients, with its beautiful landscapes, comfortable accommodations, and a wealth of attractions to explore during the recovery period.

By choosing Colombia for bariatric surgery, you can benefit from skilled surgeons, high-quality healthcare services, and cost-effectiveness, all within a supportive and welcoming environment.

Felipe Bernal offers its patients accompaniment before, during, and after the procedure. Its multidisciplinary team, integrated by professionals from different specialties, offers comprehensive support to patients in each of the phases of the process.

Comparing Bariatric Surgery Services in Colombia



United States


Significantly lower


Quality of Care

High, with internationally accredited facilities

Very high, with world-renowned facilities

Availability of Specialists

High, with many specialists trained abroad

Very high, with a wide range of specialists

Post-operative Support

Comprehensive, including nutritional and psychological support

Comprehensive, including extensive follow-up care

Language Barrier

Some English-speaking doctors, but Spanish predominates

Primarily English, with multilingual support in many facilities

Popular Procedures

Gastric Sleeve, Gastric Bypass

Gastric Sleeve, Gastric Bypass, Adjustable Gastric Band

Medical Tourism

Highly popular for bariatric surgery due to cost and quality

Less common due to high costs, but attracts patients for high-end care

Why Choose Dr. Felipe Bernal for Bariatric Surgery in Colombia?

When it comes to bariatric surgery in Colombia, Dr. Felipe Bernal stands out as one of the leading experts in the field. With over 15 years of experience and a commitment to providing the highest standard of care, Dr. Bernal has helped locals and foreign patients achieve their weight loss goals and improve their overall health.

Dr. Felipe Bernal specializes in a range of bariatric procedures, including gastric balloon, gastric sleeve, and gastric bypass. His extensive expertise and advanced surgical techniques ensure that each procedure is tailored to meet the individual needs of his patients.

One of the key advantages of choosing Dr. Felipe Bernal as your bariatric surgeon is his laparoscopic approach. By utilizing minimally invasive techniques, he is able to perform surgeries with smaller incisions, leading to reduced scarring, less post-operative pain, and faster recovery times.

Comprehensive care is another hallmark of Dr. Bernal’s practice. From the initial consultation to the post-operative follow-up appointments, he provides personalized attention and guidance every step of the way. This includes developing personalized diet and exercise plans to support long-term success and offering regular check-ins to monitor progress and make any necessary adjustments.

"I believe in a holistic approach to bariatric surgery, focusing not only on the procedure itself but also on the comprehensive care and support that patients need to achieve lasting results. My goal is to provide exceptional surgical outcomes while prioritizing the overall well-being of my patients."

Dr Felipe Bernal - Cirujano Bariátrico - Bogota ok

By choosing Dr. Felipe Bernal as your bariatric surgeon in Colombia, you can have confidence in his expertise, personalized approach, and commitment to comprehensive care. Whether you are considering gastric balloon, gastric sleeve, or gastric bypass surgery, Dr. Bernal is dedicated to helping you achieve your weight loss goals and improve your quality of life.

Bariatric Surgery Colombia Cost

The cost of Bariatric Surgery in Colombia starts at USD10000.  Bariatric Surgery in Colombia offers a cost-effective solution for individuals seeking weight loss procedures. Despite the high quality of care and expertise provided, the cost of surgery in Colombia is generally more affordable than in many other countries. Patients can access high-quality medical facilities and benefit from the expertise of highly trained healthcare professionals, making Colombia an attractive destination for bariatric surgery.

The exact cost of bariatric surgery in Colombia varies depending on individual patients and the specific procedure required. However, patients can expect exceptional value for their investment in their health and wellness. Colombia’s commitment to providing affordable yet high-quality medical care ensures that patients can receive the comprehensive treatment they need without breaking the bank.

Choosing bariatric surgery in Colombia allows patients to benefit from the expertise of highly trained healthcare professionals and access state-of-the-art medical facilities, all at a cost that is more affordable compared to other countries. With Colombia’s commitment to providing cost-effective yet high-quality care, patients can embark on their weight loss journey with confidence.


When it comes to bariatric surgery, Colombia in 2024 is the place to be. With experienced surgeons, state-of-the-art medical facilities, and affordable rates, patients can trust that they are in good hands. Dr. Felipe Bernal, a renowned expert in procedures such as gastric balloon, gastric sleeve, and gastric bypass, utilizes cutting-edge robotic technology and remote monitoring to enhance the surgical experience.

What sets bariatric surgery in Colombia apart is the comprehensive care provided to patients. From pre-operative evaluation to post-operative support, patients receive personalized treatment plans and ongoing guidance throughout their weight loss journey. Beyond the surgical procedure, Colombia’s commitment to high-quality healthcare services ensures that patients receive the best possible care.

Colombia has built a well-deserved reputation as a premier destination for bariatric surgery. The combination of experienced surgeonsstate-of-the-art facilities, affordable rates, and comprehensive care makes it an attractive choice for medical tourism. Whether it’s weight loss surgery, gastric bypass surgery, or any other bariatric procedure, Colombia offers the expertise and quality that patients seek. So, if you’re considering bariatric surgery, look no further than Colombia.

FAQ Bariatric Surgery in Colombia

Why should I have bariatric surgery in Colombia in 2024?

Bariatric surgery in Colombia offers high-quality healthcare services, skilled surgeons, state-of-the-art medical facilities, and affordable rates, making it an attractive option for individuals seeking weight-loss surgeries.

Bariatric surgery involves procedures performed on the stomach or intestines to induce weight loss. It is recommended for individuals struggling with obesity who have not had success with diet and exercise alone.

The commonly performed bariatric procedures in Colombia are gastric sleeve and gastric bypass. These procedures are performed by renowned bariatric surgeon Dr. Felipe Bernal using minimally invasive laparoscopic techniques.

Gastric bypass surgery in Colombia offers advantages such as accomplished surgeons, laparoscopic techniques, reduced complications, faster recovery times, comprehensive pre- and post-operative care, and affordability. It is a transformative procedure for weight loss.

The commonly performed bariatric procedures in Colombia are gastric sleeve and gastric bypass. These procedures are performed by renowned bariatric surgeon Dr. Felipe Bernal using minimally invasive laparoscopic techniques.

Gastric sleeve surgery involves the removal of a large portion of the stomach, limiting food intake. Gastric bypass surgery creates a small stomach pouch and connects it to the small intestine, reducing both food intake and nutrient absorption. The choice between the surgeries depends on factors such as medical history, weight loss goals, and lifestyle.

Colombia is an ideal choice for bariatric surgery due to its high-quality healthcare services, skilled surgeons like Dr. Felipe Bernal, and cost-effectiveness. It offers top-tier care at affordable rates, making it a preferred destination for international patients.

Dr. Felipe Bernal is a top choice for bariatric surgery in Colombia. With over 15 years of experience and expertise in gastric balloon, gastric sleeve, and gastric bypass procedures, he provides individualized care using advanced surgical techniques. His laparoscopic approach ensures less invasive surgeries and faster recovery times. Dr. Bernal also offers comprehensive pre- and post-operative care, personalized treatment plans, and ongoing support.

Bariatric surgery in Colombia is known for its cost-effectiveness. Despite the high quality of care and expertise provided, the cost of surgery is typically more affordable than in many other countries. Colombia boasts top-notch medical facilities and highly trained healthcare professionals, providing excellent value for patients seeking weight loss surgery.

Yes, bariatric surgery in Colombia is worth considering. With experienced surgeons, state-of-the-art facilities, affordable rates, and comprehensive care, Colombia has earned its reputation as a premier destination for bariatric surgery. It offers a transformative solution for individuals seeking sustainable weight loss.

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